Mohansic Elementary School
Principal: Susan Berry
Assistant Principal: Erin Fromer
704 Locksley Road
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Phone: 914-243-8160
Fax: 914-243-0019
3/28 - Dress as your favorite Book Character
3/31 - Superintendent Conference Day - No School for Students.
Parent Teacher Conferences
4/4 - PTA Sponsored K - 1 Dance
4/9 - Kindergarten Concert
4/14 - 4/18 - School will be closed for Spring Recess
4/21 - School Resumes
4/29 & 4/30 - 3rd Grade NYS ELA test
Week of 5/5 - Staff Appreciation Week
5/6 & 5/7 - 3rd Grade NYS MATH test
5/14 - Mohansic Art Show 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
5/23 - Wear Red/White and/or Blue for Memorial Day
6/19 - Juneteenth - School is closed
6/27 - Last Day of School
Important Information:
School Dismissal Manager
Please use School Dismissal Manager for reporting an absence or if a student will be arriving to school late.
SDM does not determine if absences are excused or unexcused. You must select the reason and enter the information for the absence in the box.
Dismissal Changes
Please use School Dismissal Manager for all dismissal changes.
All changes for the current day, including early dismissals, need to be reported prior to 1:00 pm on a regular school day or 9:30 am on a half day. Any changes after that time should be sent to Please ensure you include the name of the student, class, your name, date, time and dismissal change.
Please note that for early dismissals, you must come into the building to sign your child out and adhere to all rules and guidelines specified in our school’s policies.
Lunch Program
Free & Reduced Lunch
The federal waivers that provided free meals for all students have expired. If you think your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, please fill out an application.
Birthday Party Order Form- Click Here
School Delay Information
PTA Information
SEPTA Information
Supply Lists
Summer Math Resources: